Greater Glasgow and Clyde Medicines

Valproate: NHSGGC Stakeholders Meeting

Valproate Medicines : NHSGGC Stakeholders Meeting

New drug safety advice from the MHRA regarding valproate medicines was published at the end of April 2018. A blog article here gives more information on the recent alert and notes that a meeting of stakeholders will be arranged in the coming weeks.

The first stakeholder meeting has now been scheduled for 22nd May. Representatives have been invited from Mental Health, Neurology, Sexual Health, Women and Children’s directorate, Headache clinics, Learning Disabilities, Acute Dispensing Services, Clinical Governance, E-Health, Primary Care, General Practice, and Community Pharmacy. The group will consider the actions already taken in the board and what further actions are required. An action plan will be submitted to the ADTC Safer Use of Medicines SubCommittee for endorsement  

If you work in a specialist area affected by the new valproate advice which is not listed above, please contact


Published 18/05/18